Just For Fun from Lily

Enchanted, filmnya bagus, relaks banget, lagunya juga enak-enak:)

Ikutan Lily nih, buat isi waktu jenuh, hehehe...

So here's the rules:
1. Answer the questions below.
2. Take each answer and type it into Google Image.
3. Take a picture from the first page of results and post.
4. You can't copy the answers of the person who posted this before you.

1. Your age
2. Your favorite place
3. Your favorite movie
4. Your favorite drink
5. Your favorite color
6. Your favorite season
7. Your favorite smell
8. A place you would like to visit
9.The town in which you live
10. Your favorite scen


EkaM Irawan said…
Njajal ah Mba..Ha3...
Lily Tjhang said…
iyaaaa lagu so close apalgiiii..hihihih
Lily Tjhang said…
duaaaasaaaarrr baker...hahaaa
Lily Tjhang said…
gambarnya bagus nih Vin...
Vin Wong said…
iya gile nih gambar keluar angkanya lagi:p
Welly Ferdinand said…
hmm.. no 1, 5, 6 sama :)
Vin Wong said…
jadi kita seumur yaa:p hehe
Lily Tjhang said…
gue bukan kaget......mo mastiin aja gitu, kan kita org ngak tahu usia masing, kalo gue kan baru 25,huuhahaha*boong tuh*

Eh tiap negara beda kayaknya yah yg keluar gambar pertama dari jawaban kita, ayooo coba dong tik, di ausie sono liat gambar apa kalo ketik 32, umur lo juga kan??hahahaha
Vin Wong said…
gue bukan 32 lho... tp 23:))) hihihihi *maunya*