FF#12 : Happy New Year Friends! January 06, 2009 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Taken by Nikon E 7900, January 7, 2009 9.20 AMIso - 50Exposure Time: 1/36 secIkutan ngeramein FF #12 dengan tema New Year! Comments Ema Yudistira said… tgl an yg lengkap vin.., keren ide mu.., jd kangen liat kalender indonesia nih...:) Atiek Arief said… Cakep Vin.. kalendernya, fotonya, idenya.. Mira Assjarif said… idenya kreatif :) mantaaap... EkaM Irawan said… keren idenya Mba...TOP deh..Ini hasil prakaryaku..he3http://ngerejekeni.multiply.com/album/43 Sylvia Warken said… Suka sama idenya.... Ini punyaku:http://schneehase.multiply.com/photos/album/83/FF12_New_Year Vin Wong said… hehehe... sering2 pulang mba... Vin Wong said… thanks mba.. dapet ide ini pas cuci muka nih...:p Vin Wong said… thank you... Vin Wong said… thanks eka... fotomu keren lho..... Vin Wong said… thanks! fotonya keren.. jam ditaburi candy ya..:) Jessi Lie said… simple n keren vin ! Happy new year ya, moga makin sukses ! kartika dewi said… keren vin... Vin Wong said… sama2 jes!:) Fee 70 said… Good Job say...bagus ide km....http://fee70.multiply.com/photos/album/202/FF_12_New_Year_2009_Black_White_ Vin Wong said… thank you Tik.. Vin Wong said… thanks fee:p Happy & Kenny said… keyennnnn...... Vin Wong said… thanks happy! DENNY NOOR™ said… keren Mbak ide_nya,,,angle_nya pun okay...© 2009 DENNY™ Eva Gladka said… How many people died in emergency rooms after having a bad reaction to cold medicines? This is the shortest way to stop influenza on its way to your home! Take your time! Eva Gladka said… How many people died in emergency rooms after having a bad reaction to cold medicines? This is the shortest way to stop influenza on its way to your home! Take your time!
Ini hasil prakaryaku..he3
Ini punyaku:
angle_nya pun okay...
© 2009 DENNY™
This is the shortest way to stop influenza on its way to your home! Take your time!
This is the shortest way to stop influenza on its way to your home! Take your time!